
'I'll fork you'

Anyone know of some Git puns?

I'm tutoring a group of students (university) on using Git effectively in a team. Anything to make it more humorous would be awesome :)

  • 2
    It seems your branching out

    Don't push the issues to hard

    Commit to your project
  • 1
    1) One day you will need to commit to a relationship, think very good about the message you're going to send then.
    2) When you see a door, pull first then try to push.
  • 1
    use that clip from Family Guy where the Asian woman merges across 5 lanes of traffic without signaling. It's a perfect example of why not to force a git push.
  • 1
    @Variable yes! I know the one
  • 0
    May the fork be with you
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