
So dynamic typing means you can just add members to objs on the fly?
But why hadn't I noticed that before giving a long lecture about classes being "molds that we cast objects in"?
Ah, yeah. That's because I'm just learning it at the same time.

  • 5
    Just because you can doesn't mean you should
  • 1
    @SortOfTested Now I'm trying to tell just that to junior students.
  • 7
    You’re teaching something you’re just learning?

    Please tell me I misread that.
  • 2
    Dynamic typing does not mean that. Dynamic typing only means that you can assign values of different types to one variable. Variables themselves are not locked to any type, hence dynamic.
  • 0
    @Root That's exactly what I'm doing. They know python almost as I know, I'm just better at learning 😉
    And it's not that odd for me https://devrant.com/rants/3021219/
  • 0
    @iiii Thanks, I know. Just wondering if a Java developer can still call this object-oriented.
  • 4
    @beleg The hell is wrong with you? If you don’t know something, how can you hope to teach it?

    Apprentices should learn from masters, not another apprentice.

    Seriously, this and standardized testing (and schedules, and student:teacher ratios, and ...) is why the school system is so freaking awful.
  • 7
    Friend of mine went from graduating college with a non CS degree, taking a bootcamp in front end dev, teaching the bootcamp, director at the company in 6 months.

    Its how the world operates now. We dramatically advantage personality over skills (though that's not really new). We're full on lord of the flies.
  • 0
    @beleg why should not it be object oriented?
  • 0
    @Root Easy: Learn it first. And that somehow depends on what you mean by master/apprentice. Of course I won't be a Python master in couple of weeks (or ever, hopefully :)), but I'm a dev and a dev is a master at reading the docs and searching SO. Personally I prefer the school system to make developers.

    and common, I'm just an assistant, and the course is in the Physics program. I'm probably more of a Python master right now than the Physics professor teaching the course.
  • 0
    Maybe I should've made it clear that it's not an SO question ;-) It's just a rant with a little backstory.
  • 0
    @iiii "Class as a mold to cast objects" metaphor? Or as the course book calls them: "cookie cutter"
  • 1
    @iiii Still not quite accurate. All dynamic typing means is that types are not checked until runtime.
  • 0
    @junon exactly. you may have "locked" the type of a variable, by just expecting it to behave like a certain type. But if it gets the wrong type, you can't tell at compile.
  • 0
    @beleg I don't understand what you mean. There is no variable type in dynamic languages. Just value types.
  • 0
    @junon I mean when you call x.f() you expect "x" to behave like a type that can do f(). Trying to explain what locking a type for a variable might mean here.
  • 0
    @beleg I've never heard of "locking a type to a variable".
  • 0
    @junon Niether I. I was referring to the @iiii's comment, which I thought you're talking about.
  • 0
    @SortOfTested not sure if I have enough skills, but for sure it's still better than my "personality" by far :D
  • 0
    @junon also true.
  • 0
    @SortOfTested is he a brilliant super genius who can learn anything and master any intellectual skill such as programming faster than a speeding bullet? If not, he’s sending out ranks of the unskilled who sadly think they’re ready for that big development role. And were cheated out of money to boot
  • 1
    He is quite intelligent, but that wasn't what got him to his success in this case. He was handsome as shit, well spoken with a baritone and the same ethnicity as the owner.

    Male privilege since forever, basically.
  • 0
    Oh well. Director of a company is not for me! I’m quite intelligent too but my teeth are notoriously yellow, like yellow cheese on a cheeseburger lol. Plus I have a notorious body stench that I used to be ridiculed for 😂. My sense of smell is really weak but it’s probably a defense against my horrible BO lol
  • 0
    What’s even more gross is my feet! I have reynauds syndrome and my extremities receive poor blood flow. My reddish with patches of yellow and blue feet love warm baths but get abused when I run or do other exercises that strain them. Don’t worry, I won’t share any photos of them here. I’m notorious for being physically gross btw lol
  • 0
    @SortOfTested What makes you assume it was male privilege. Sounds like he was charismatic and outspoken, which tends to make people accept authority.

    How does that have anything to do with his genitals?
  • 0
    That's a statement disguised as a question. Right place, right time, hired by his bros from a culture that downplays women. Its pretty male privilege.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested Yes it's a rhetorical question but that doesn't mean you're banned from responding to it though
  • 0
    I don't assume things, I just don't always feel like explaining them to audiences I know aren't willing to engage honestly on a subject.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested Never be afraid to give your honest opinion. You're the only one that can stand up for yourself
  • 0
    There's a difference between fear and not wanting to waste my time.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested Fair enough, but then don't expect to have your opinion respected by others
  • 0
    @SortOfTested I'm actually gonna go out on a limb and say that the exact opposite attitude is what helped your friend become as successful as he is, so make of that what you will
  • 0
    To be honest, I hadn't imagined it'd go this far 😶
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