
I haven't been able to work on the computer without getting a headache very soon after for almost 2 weeks straight now.

I presume I have grown a sensitivity to bright light, stemming from the time I dimmed my phone all the way about 5 months ago and never set it back until just now.

In my classes I will get random headaches that hurt like heck and make me feel groggy, making me unable to focus at all. And while doing computer work, I'll get the same thing.

I've tried getting my eyes checked again, and got new glasses about a week ago - still no help.

Prior to this incident I was working hard on a volunteer project with a small team. Since then my progress and commits have dwindled greatly, and I feel stressed out because I can't do what i want to do without hurting and feeling like absolute shit!

I'm currently trying to get my eyes used to bright lights again by setting things like my phone screen to a brighter setting, changing some dead light bulbs in different rooms of the house, and getting more involved outside.

I hope this goes away soon - I don't want to have this stupid headache every time I go to code or work in class.

  • 8
    Please get this checked by a doc. And don't try to force your eyes to brighter light. It's your body, your eyes, telling you something isn't right.
  • 3
    Try flux on Mac, or redshift on Linux.
  • 1
    Sounds like migraines mate. Definitely see a doctor before you just assume it's bright lights... Unless you live in darkness all the time that seems unlikely
  • 3
    Please visit a doctor, we don't want you worrying but better being safe than sorry. On your phone install Twilight on your computer install Flux. These applications can help hugely as well.
  • 2
    @biscuit @CaptainQwerty @nickhh @unrealchrisp Well, I turned down my brightness and took out those bulbs I put in - gave me another headache soon after.

    I've installed Twilight on my phone and plan to install bluelight filters on my computers as well. Also planning on going to the doctor here soon to see what's going on - wish me luck!

    And thanks for advice, guys. Really appreciated!
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    @Lel00 flux is a great blue light filter for you computer. I hope you get sorted.
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    @CaptainQwerty Thanks man. I hope so too
  • 1
    @Lel00 so first of all, I'd like to welcome you to the fun fun world of light sensitivity induced migraines. Couple of things :
    1) like everyone said, go see a doctor first. It'll help verify something's not wrong, and you're "just" having migraines. They'll probably give you a prescription for something like naproxen, and that's a very good thing. It will help.
    2) Again, if it is migraines, ensure that your light level in the room is always good, so as to remove the bright effect of the screen. Computing in the dark with a screen and RGB lighting is now a big no-no. Doesn't mean it will happen everytime but it puts you at risk.
    3) if the lights in the street at night are getting blurry and strong, you're starting a migraine. Pop some Advil naow.
    4) Always get be rested. Never strain your eyes past your limits. This will decrease the likelyhood of migraines.

    Be safe!
  • 2
    An update on this thread: turned out that shortly after I was diagnosed with (it wasn't apparent at the time) Pityriasis Rosea - you get this when the nervous system gets overactive after dealing with a virus - a symptom of this is hypersensitivity. There is no cure, but it should go away within 6 weeks. At least it's not permanent. Phew
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    @Lel00 I'm glad it's gonna go away man :)
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    @Synth-Synapses You and me too man :)
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