hey guys
what's main difference between cross-platform and multi-platform?

and whats main difference between kotlin multiplatform and ReactNative?

i am familiar with both kotlin and NodeJS, What is your suggestion for build a app for ios and android?

  • 5
    In a true sense, cross.platform means it works on any platform whereas the latter means it works on more than one platform
  • 0
    One point, i forgot :

    I don't have mac os.
  • 1
    @Wizard1997 if you do not have a mac you can still emulate a macOS vm if your machine has enough juice. if that is not possible i would consider building a progressive web app.
    apart from that there are quite a lot frameworks which enable you to code cross platform. for example xamarin, flutter, ionic.
    i use xamarin but this is just personal preference as i am used to c#
  • 4
    Marketing. Cross-platform, if used correctly, says that same code can be used on "all/listed" platforms. Multi-platform insinuates the possibility of adding support for other platforms using dedicated conversions.
  • 1
    multiplatform - there are versions of tge thing for multiple platforms.

    cross-platform - the same one version of the thing works on multiple platform, or, when talking about multiplayer, instances of the thing running on different platforms can work together/communicate.
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    Kotlin is fine for Android.

    I would recommend native Swift for iOS.

    Yes, you could create an app and POSSIBLY publish to both stores with ReactNative. But IMO trying to manage the nuances of the platforms from a single project is HARDER than just having one truly native code base for each.

    And also, where React (being an FB product) was popular for a few years, IMO it's a technology that has not matured any better than FB itself... which is to say its now a steaming pile of dog shit.

    But I mean yeah, if you want to participate in the mental takeover of a decent percentage of the human race by Zucherberg, by all means, use React Native.
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