
I fuckin give up.
You can't use Android without fuckin gapps, you can but it's fuckin miserable.
And microG still sucks (I respect all the effort from the devs tho)
And there are not enough roms that implement signature spoofing
Almost all the open source apps look like shit and are outdated (also appreciate the devs efforts)
*Flashes Opengapps pico*

  • 6
    I've always said... I don't type, write, send, save or otherwise interact with anything illegal or whatever, so who gives a rat's ass if Google has all kinds of data about my boring meaningless non-special life?

    There's nothing to do with it anyway besides make stuff convenient. The "worst" thing they do with all my data is show me ads for stuff I actually may even give af about. And even then, I use AdBlock where possible.

    Maybe I'm just weird for not being paranoid about Google and conspiracy theories. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    @corscheid yeah, but each time a video pops up and triggers my inner paranoid self 😂
  • 5
    @corscheid Alright, let me share my view on this. I live by the rule "they can't abuse the data they don't have". The data I produce with talking to friends, emailing etc is my data so stay the fuck away from it. You can't know what your data might be abused for later on. The most radical although true example is the data that was entered before the second world war. People had to enter their religion. Little did they know that that would be abused later on to find and kill people who had a specific religion.

    But anyways, just my personal view!
  • 0
    If you are doing illegal stuff, why are you carrying your phone with you. Why are you using your phone to manage it?

    That's rookie mistake over there.
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    @flag0 I need a phone tho (notebook management sucks),and I can't afford two phones.
    Illegal business doesn't pay that well here...
    I should get a carrier change, maybe try that dev thing.
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    @nik123 yeah but I need to many closed source apps that need play services to even function
    Will probably do it again after a year or so when microG is mature enough
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    @nik123 a twitch client (there is one on fdroid that doesn't even open)
    Tunnelbear VPN
  • 0
    You can add signature spoofing to any ROM in about 2 minutes with my tool: https://github.com/ale5000-git/...
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