
I created a my portfolio using ReactJS and actually open sourced the whole thing. Within just a few weeks, its got 67 stars, 38 forks, 3 watches, 1 issue, 1 pull request, and so on.
People out of nowhere messaged me in my whatsapp, skype, facebook to help them in React.
People out of nowhere wanted to hire me, even though I'm still working in a company.
People out of nowhere messaged me just to tell me, how much they liked my work and appreciated it for open sourcing it.
It felt awesome! Like, I can't explain how amazing it felt! ^_^

  • 6
    woah! dream come true 😲
    post it here to get some more stars 😉
  • 9
    @heyheni I really want to. But I also wanna be anonymous here. So that I can be the true-(STUPIDest)-self here in devrant :D :P
  • 2
    Congratulations! Wow that’s amazing.
  • 2
    @Nanos repo link? I can think of many reasons
  • 4
    I can't say that I have the PERFECT standards for open source projects. But here's a few things that I have done:

    * Screenshot of the app/portfolio in the readme

    * Used Badges

    * Wrote how to use it

    * Wrote how to fork and how to publish it as their own

    * Easy to follow readme

    I guess, that's it
  • 0
    @Xoka Can you maybe email me the repo link if I send you my email address? I am thinking to do something similar at some point
  • 1
    Well, damn that's gotta be a confidence booster
  • 0
    @MrMarco yes, I can, but instead of writing your email address, share your WhatsApp number. I'll message you.
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