
Fuck Java and its related build tools.

Decided to throw caution to the wind and actually try to build a Java project, from scratch.

Install intellij, except it keeps complaining about the missing JDK, openjdk is installed but it doesn't like it.

Ok, whatever, I read that it's supposed to come with its own and so I point at that, no dice.

Ultimately I stumbled upon a stackoverflow post saying to just download the tgz JDK and just use that, I knew I could do that, but I wanted to use the tools the P environment suggested, but gave up.

Ok, so now I've got intellij and JDK installed, and I want to start my automatically generated project.

Except I now need gradle, fine, whatever, and now gradle complains it can't find the JDK...

Fucks sake... I was happy using Lein and Clojure, I didn't realise how fucking complicated it is to set up a Java IDE these days...

  • 12
    You most likely forgot to set JAVA_HOME or didn't read the docs well....this is not even java's fault,its your fault or Intellij's fault.
    Please read the docs on what java is because java != Intellij
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    Yeah I maintain a bunch of legacy Java projects at work, I'm well aware that Java isn't intellij.

    However those projects are related to Tomcat and jsp, so I wanted a clean break. I wanted to experience modern Java, not the locked down, custom extended APIs I have to use at work.

    So far the experience has not been straight forward. And for the record setting the Java home environmental variable didn't do squat on my system until I downloaded the official oracle bundle. Which again, I always knew I could do, but preferred to have my distribution or installers handle it.
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    Gradle... *shivers* Why not use maven? It's so much better.
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    @LucaScorpion The library I wanted to play with creates a gradle project, I don't have any idea even IF a project can be converted from gradle to maven, never mind how.

    Again, I've not done any modern Java dev, so trying to see how it is these days.
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    6 years from now people are going to regret they had so cool JS projects
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    Yes, blame Java for your shortcomings.
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    Dude setting up dev env sometimes need patience. Think the home env is not set.

    Why don't you just download the packages from oracle and setup with that?
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    @deusprogrammer If you only knew what I deal with in Java on a daily basis, my build chain at work incorporated a Java IDL compiler, which, creates the bindings to CORBA to drive the internal API of the main company product that my java code has to hook into.

    I also have a beanshell scripting interface shoehorned into it (that shit needs to go away) because the powers that be thought it was the best scripting system available, interpreted Java... Sigh.

    So, really, don't assume I have shortcomings in Java. It ain't my favourite language at all, but I had hoped modern Java would be significantly simpler than how my environment at work is set up, but alas it's never quite THAT simple to set up.
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    @francis-regan I ain't actually asking for help setting it up. If I'm determined enough, I'll fix it. I'm just not. I don't want to indulge in Java that much, there's plenty of other JVM technology that is significantly simpler to work with and I enjoy using.

    Clojure comes to mind, I've been lisping it up for months now...
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