
Preface: This client, let's call him dickhead, is running a successful brick-and-mortar based business in one of the top cities of the world. He is highly qualified in a non-IT field.

Rant: This son of a shitbag things he knows everything because he can search on Google, has a degree, owns an expensive business, and of course has money. Does not listen to my suggestions on which framework to use, how to integrate stuff, etc. because he thinks he is the fucking father of Linus Torvalds, and Linus built Linux kernel out of his super-intelligent sperm.

But that titbag can't understand the simple fact that he has spent the last 2 fucking years building stupid websites which he thought from his brain located alongside his balls. None of those websites are in the condition to launch, forget making a difference. Primary reason being using wrong frameworks for wrong purpose, but his half-assed brain can't understand this.

  • 3
    Sometimes a shit idea is a shit idea without using the wrong framework.

    One of my mates has many ideas that are shit but he has two that have made him a small fortune
  • 2
    His decision, his problem. As long as he's still paying you it should be fine right?
  • 0
    Surely you can make a good website from any framework designed for the Web? What framework?
  • 2
    @biscuit Probatly "dickhead" used a Java Bytecode Manipulation Framework :P
  • 1
    @biscuit what about craigslist built with WordPress?
  • 0
    The way you have ranted about it is too funny... Lol. 😂😂😂
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