
How do you guys feel about daily stand-up ?? Is it wasting time or like the method sent from the god of project management.

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    I like them. I often see people getting help from others who often otherwise wouldn't have known that person was having that issue.

    Also a great way to get an overview of what your colleagues are working on without having to know loads of details.
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    I don't like them. I've just worked in teams where we have great communication through the day, but we were forced to have daily stand ups at 10 am. we basically told everyone what everyone already knew. Pointless. It was all a show to justify the need for a scrum "master", from the scrum "master".

    And having it at 10 was stupid, it just meant there was no point starting something because it was lunch in 45 minutes. So it basically ruined half the day, those 15 minutes of a pointless meeting.

    Of course, management didn't understand that. They saw we had almost an hour before lunch to work, why would that be an issue?
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