Can't help but when watch most profiles(some exceptions)of ranters I see are front end developers. Aren't here some guys who work on developing frameworks, work on linux kernels or maybe work on linux distros?

P.S.: I love RoR and will contribute to make it better. So the image.

  • 5
    Backend dev. I hate doing frontend stuff :) we have an easier life
  • 3
    Embedded c++.
  • 1
  • 0
    @stuqshwk cool. 😃
  • 1
    Backend c#, Java, Android stuff.
    The most low level thing I have done is remote control service for Android in asm. (still wip)
  • 1
    Rails is incredible. Both good and bad. First you're way too happy about how easy some things are and just magically work, next you're driving into Rails' source to figure out why the magic doesn't work on Mondays after a full moon...
  • 1
    I work on a self hosted PaaS, but I do still do some RoR as a side project
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