
"If you use a css framework splat splat splat splat bullshit bullshit bullshit"

Listen fam, I write apps that a good portion of the time will be used internally by the company I represent or work for. They don't give 2 flying fucks if I write an entire webpack ecosystem for them to push out assets and 10k outher bs shit in to their frontend end. They just care that shit connects properly to their backend and it spits out the information they need, which 9 times out of 10 does not require a lot of the shit y'all cry about.

Bootstrap will suffice, bulma will suffice. I don't neckbeard over simple shit like this.

  • 14
    But, that's totally not trendy.

    How dare you not waste time and effort fixing nuisance shit all day long and not deliver anything of use.

    What do you think we are paying you for... to actually get shit done?
  • 4
    What do you mean web development can be simple?
    Here load these 18 js files
  • 4
    @C0D4 aye bruh, shit is insane. I see people criticizing others for this left and right. I just care about finishing what I am working on.

    On another note, using php 8 already? πŸ‘€
  • 0
    @LotsOfCaffeine 18? maaaaaan I wish!
  • 2
    @AleCx04 nope 😒
    I've made it to 7.3... that's new enough right?

    Most of my dev days lately are within Salesforce and trying to get the bullshit that is react / node to actually work for longer then a week before some dependency shits its self.

    How bout you, you on the 8 band wagon?
  • 3
    Framework haters are obnoxious.
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    I cant even imagine Without bootstrap :(
  • 1
    "Wait how do you even get the emotional energy to develop apps without reading about and applying super cool new unestablished trendy js and css frameworks? You are so outdated broπŸ˜”πŸ˜” i'm sorry for you but the react-vue-angular-BS.js ui library is the only way to go bruh... ANY other way in my bullshitty retarded opinion nobody cares about is unacceptable and wrong, you are old and boring youk know that"
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    How the hell did you not writing your own bundler?!
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    "splat splat splat bullshit"

    hahaha i lol'd : )
  • 2
    but on the other hand....
    "Good design is expensive yes, but look at the cost of bad design"
    So if your internal web apps are horrible usability wise your "idc! it works for me! I'm the god programer" approach can be quite costly for your company.
  • 2
    @heyheni you speak the truth my g
  • 1
    Why do people do this? Why would you not use a css framework?
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