Happy XXI - 2021, 21 Jan, 21:21:21 UTC !

  • 12
    Happy 1,611,224,481 🥳
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    Time for a drink?
  • 3

    Yeah, actually did that 😁
  • 4
    While month = 01. WTF is wrong with you month!?
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    21st second of the 21st hour of the 21st day of the 21st year in the 21st century and fuck all happened!

    I'm starting to think all these numbers are just some human construct and actually have nothing to do with the universe
  • 0
    @Ranchonyx Actual german word? 🤔
    Cuz if yes, then fuck..germans really do just put together words and weld them together...
  • 1
    @sladuled A grammatically correct sentence except for proper punctuation.
  • 1
    @Ranchonyx Holy shit!
    Now I totally regret not learning it properly.. you can type/say something totally innocent and spot on, yet it looks like you're throwing around curses on everybody.. 🙊🤣😇
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