Am I the only one who has a bug solving victory dance? 😛🤓

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    When bugs get blamed on me, then I find after looking at history, that my boss did a copy pasta. Then I also find we have a potentially bigger architecture issue. I gin up an email explaining we may need to restructure the code to prevent this problem as it is difficult to diagnose. I give alternate avenues to solve the problem and include everyone relevant to the problem including my boss. Not a word is spoken. Inside I am dancing my victory dance.

    Then when it is my problem I am like: aw fuck...
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    @N00bPancakes That is the look I give when someone asks: "Did you fix it?" Sometimes I say: "Yes, why yes it is." as if foregone conclusion and why are plebes asking me this. Hopefully that does not backfire some day.
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    @myss I see you're a man of culture
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    I usually scream or just put my head on the desk for a minute
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    yes, colin furze like airfucking
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    @myss That slide looks so unnatural. How does one do this? We need howto vid on youtube.
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    It's more of a twitch, realizing that I have to start on something else.
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    I dance around repeating “who’s a genius? Dads a genius” until my wife and kids tell me to go away.
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    I usually just do a quick & cheerful clapping then proceed on 😋

    It's enough to garner attention and get the excitement out without disturbing the others focus.
    At least usually not enough.
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    I got one. Moving the backlog item to done!
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    I used to.. but now all these bugs are just more work and says how incompetent everyone else is...

    Can everyone just not jump into coding and actually understand the problems and think about the shit your writing/wrote before committing it and releasing it...

    So my victory dance is more like a facepalm... "Oh the monkeys I work with"

    On my own code... Yes solving a problem elegantly feels good, that's why I'm a dev in the first place but feeling with the new caused by monkeys... No.
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