
This is some scary shit right here

  • 0
    Funny. I just heard about that language last week while watching an episode of Elementary. Still don't understand it's existence though...
  • 6
    I wrote a language a while back that stored both data and instructions on the same 2D grid. You had to try and interleave them together in code or risk self modifying your algorithm 😛 the pointer also moved in both dimensions depending on what instruction you executed 😛

    Took me around a week to write Hello World 😶
  • 0
    @Jamoyjamie Are you David Morgan-Mar? Is your language called Piet? http://dangermouse.net/esoteric/...
  • 0
    or try the language called "Ook" . from terry Pratchett. someone crafted that piece of art.
  • 2
    @thejohnhoffer afraid I'm not, Piet's a pretty cool language though 🙂

    I'm going to have to dig this out tomorrow 😛 free devRant stickers to the first person to develop a for loop? 😛
  • 1
    @Jamoyjamie challenge accepted
  • 2
    Well @thejohnhoffer you asked...


    The start of a hello world application (it crashes so something's wrong with it):

    I'll leave you to work out how to use it, good luck with the for loop ;)
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