
these backend devs,
please. dont touch the CSS.

you primitive animal. we use SCSS these days.
all of your changes will be overridden by us when we compile.

  • 5
    And they complain that it’s hard to read when it’s all on one line....

  • 6
    dear front end devs,


    Thank you
  • 0
  • 6

    Dear frontend devs, become backend devs.

    We will delete the HTML files, the react components, the stylesheets, and all the overly complicated grunt webpack gulp yarn preprocessing transpiling bullshit.

    Our clients will just consume our API through curl. They can use grep to search the output. They can also use postman, or any other tool of their own choosing.

    Maybe they will initially complain a bit about the learning curve, but in the end, it's for the best.
  • 8
    Seriously though -- Why is the CSS committed to the repository if it is overwritten during deploy anyway?

    Just add *.css to your gitignore, so backend developers know those are generated files?
  • 2
    @bittersweet this.

    Documentation of the whole process / pipeline.

    Cause nowadays everything is a big fragile 💩

    And every goddamn stupid build -/ asset system has it's own brain damaged syntax and kinks.

    I really learned to hate web development as soon as the whole fuckity with we need to compile, transpile, mutilate, massacre, cryptify, blablabli everything came up.

    (I like SCSS. I HATE the whatever you call the crap (JS-) build system)
  • 2
    Spotted the front end dev.
    /Kick /ban
    . Shit, doesn't work
  • 0
    > 2021
    > SCSS

    Also neglecting backend and discriminating... well good luck you smartass
  • 0
    ummm...seeing as I have to be both..... what they said!
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