Looking at job ads...

"CompanyX is a fun place to work, no downers, egos, pessimists or jerks allowed."

Welcome to the wonderful world of optimistic ego-less uppers!

  • 5
    Maybe I'm a pessimistic jerk but then I'd worry about a sort of a "no raising issues / questioning decisions allowed" sort of place.

    Granted.... I get what they're trying to say.
  • 4
    @N00bPancakes It somehow looks phony to me - I mean, one cannot be always happy and I have not met many completely selfish people either.
  • 6

    I've seen a few places that were like that.

    They high-fived each other out of business ;)
  • 5
    No egos... No nobody that is at least confident in their ability and work? They prefer people with imposter syndrome?
  • 6
    If they really have that in their ad, I'd skip them immediately... Nobody is perfect and certainly these characteristics are quite common. Having a little ego is just being confident. Being somewhat pessimistic can also mean you're just a realist who sees a futile situation.
    No jerks is good however lol.
    But yeah, it sounds really childish or something... Something I'd expect to see on a wooden board on the bedroomdoor of a 16-year old or something
  • 4

    The no jerks thing does seem a bit weird. Pretty easy to turn that into 'I declare that person a jerk for some stupid reason!'.
  • 4
    @N00bPancakes but then you are a jerk yourself, which would cause a paradox because no jerks are allowed. So then you have to fire yourself!
  • 6
    Since optimism is rooted in lack of both intelligence and experience, that place will only have dumb greenhorns.
  • 3
    @Fast-Nop Or they have enough assholes already and they don't want any more. ie, toxic work environment.
  • 2
    Huh, it seems that hypocrisy isn't really an issue according to such description. CompanyX's recruiters can go suck huge devRant stress balls.
  • 4
    @Demolishun "Too many wolves in the compound - let's add some sheep to round it up".
  • 6
    Hmm, reads to me as "We only want sheeple who are easy to control and never watch the news. Clapping is mandatory whenever marketing comes up with anything. And we also do weekly ass licking contests!"
  • 2
    Looks like Ned Flanders is running a software startup
  • 4
    Sounds like HR-enforced happy moods for everyone, every day, all day.

    Sounds like hell.
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