I hate moving

But moving back in with your parents is even worse

Even worse when your parents are hoarders and so you get to move back into a room where you then get to clear out random shit that isn't yours. And try to convince your parents to throw out a dresser that only 3/8 drawers work in it but they want to keep it.


  • 2
    @rutee07 my mom didn't want to get rid of an unopened cd-rom entitled "1001 clip art images that had been sitting next to her computer for years" she was just like "put it in the other room next to my sewing stuff". I had to be like "mom donate this you're never going to use this". It's like this with soooo many items.
  • 3
    Technical speaking, you do realize that you are now part of their hoarder collection? <3
  • 2
    I have played a few mind games when mine were leaning that way. From playing hoarder-related tv shows in the living room to telling them I'm not doing some chore because there is no space, to mildly put it like "can you do this (some task) for me? That room is clustered and I feel a tad claustrophobic when I'm there.", to once picking a random item and randomly saying like "oh, cool, this will be worth a lot in 10-20 years. You know, since you hoard I can sell it well once you're dead". Ofc that last one caused a massive fight. But hey! The message was finally received. And that is how the tendencies were killed.
  • 1
    my parents are the same and my room is the warehouse. if I leave my stuff st home they might actually place stuffs on it when they run out of space on the floor
  • 0
    I thank God my parents are not hoarders. My girlfriend's parents are, tho. They even hesitate to throw away expired food. Plus they always cook too much.
  • 1
    I'm back home and I can't open my closet door at the moment to put my shit up so there's that. I counted 37 empty boxes. When I asked if I could recycle the empty boxes both my parents denied the boxes belonged to them.
  • 1
    @punker1999 shouldn't have asked them which one you can recycle, should've asked them which one do they use and then threw away the rest. 😛
  • 1
    @punker1999 Problem solved in that case, if they're not theirs, recycle away!
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