
Kafka lead after a perf test - we have amazing performance, processing 43 records a second😄
Me - WTF!!!! 🤬

  • 1
    43 records?

    The questions should be:
    1. How many columns?
    2. What are the datatypes?
    3. What is the size limit for each datatype?
    4. How much data per column/in total?
  • 0
    What kind of mysql on a single core 90's Celeron is this
  • 1
    @bioDan in addition, what transformations are being done on the data (since thats basically what kafka is for)?
  • 1
    @arcsector absolutely! I was only addressing the retrieval aspect
  • 0
    43 records could be very good or very bad depending on the context.

    If we're just talking about Kafka performance though, that's woeful in *any* circumstance.
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