So how do people feel about the ignored people, I haven't done it with anyone so don't know what people really feel.
I mean you are sitting there and they are literally not talking to you because you are very shy. Your name is not called out in a discussion even when you are one of the developers whose project is talked about, you were just ignored because you didn't speak up.
What do people really think about the people they ignore?

  • 0
    Who dat? New phone.
  • 1
    Ignored... I try to address everyone by e.g. asking e.g. if someone still has something to say in a meeting.

    Ignoring someone intentionally is sth. I rarely do... top reason for ignoring so. is me expecting a drama that will not provide anything useful.

    If someone doesn't speak at all (see your previous rant) I can become curious...but while I know how it is to be anxious or shy, I hardly have the time to provide extra care... If someone asks for help, sure - otherwise, silent agreement rule takes place.
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    I don't think about the people I ignore.

    That's kinda the point.
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    I'm almost certain that I will get some backlash for that BUT: In my opinion communication is one of the most important skills for someone in IT to master, and master well.

    It's part of the job to whistle back management when they make promises the code can't hold and its your responsibility to fight for your convictions. If things break down the line because you didn't interject in a meeting because you weren't explicitly asked that shit is on you and nobody else. You're hired for your expertise and that doesn't mean just writing expert level code in your silent corner of the office but to be able to advise the business on, in your opinion, best courses of action. If they don't listen, fine you did your job, they did theirs. If you do not speak up when your project is talked about you force others to act on incomplete data which is not okay. Being shy to the extent that you endanger your user base is a personality flaw that should be worked on because it is a danger to others.
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    @Godisalie thanks for your answer =)

    I don't mind speaking if I'm the only one on the project and very comfortable speaking. But when I have someone else on the project specially a senior who thinks a lot faster it becomes really hard to understand and respond.
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    your not my son
  • 1
    @true-dev001 make yourself heard.

    It's necessary to say "Gimme a minute". Maybe even "To sum it up in my own words: ... Correct?" to ascertain that everyone is on the same page.
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    @IntrusionCM That's a very good advice. Also, thanks for all your answers to my questions. I know people have problems and they need people like you. I don't know you but you provide a great support. Let me know if I can do anything for you in return. :) Bless you!
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