
During the last couple of days, I got to hear quite a horrible story...

So we start at the beginning, where I have a dev-related chat with some other strangers on the internet. One of them was working on a custom protocol implementation with an API to go with it, written in Python. There were plans to migrate the codebase to another language like Rust in the long term. So the project seemed to be going well.

Another guy and the main subject of this chimed in on various of our messages, and long story short - he uses Express.js for everything he does, and he doesn't know jack shit on what he's talking about. Yet he still does.

Later we got the delight to hear that he had beaten up his mother, and that she's now in the hospital because of it, with broken arms, hands, fingers and severe bleeding. Yet he has the audacity to complain about his sore throat, caused by all his shouting. He refuses to seek any help, or to take medicines he's been given. This has been going on for several days now.

As much as I hate to even think about it, these too are "developers". I too have skeletons in my closet, but goddamn.. that these people even exist. The very idea that you may be talking to them every day. It disgusts me.

  • 8
    Developer is a job not your karma level. But damn being a horrible person and developer at the same time could be a hint to a relation between the two.
  • 14
    That guy needs to be locked up. I'm all for second chances and forgiveness, but none of this "oh he has issues so we need to go a bit soft" crap. If you beat up your own mother to that point with no remorse, you're truly the lowest of the low.

    If he starts taking his meds and changing his behaviour then sure - integrate him back into society while keeping an eye on him. But certainly not while he's beating up his own mother of all people.
  • 3
    Not my kinda “developer”.
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce That's the thing I find so weird, he does seem to be remorseful and often says how terrible he feels for having done it. But that's pretty much it.. he's not taking any of the advice to seek professional help. He's not taking his antidepressants because they "make him feel artificial and dizzy". Seems like he'd rather run away by committing suicide. Initially I said just like everyone else that he should face the shitstorm he created, like a proper man. At this point I'm not so sure anymore...
  • 1
    @Condor "Oh I feel a bit bad for beating up my own mother" doesn't come close to what is required here. If he actually felt bad he'd turn himself in.
  • 6
    Um shouldn’t he be in jail or something? He won’t listen to anyone so that’s the next step before he hurts or kills someone else. He’s dangerous
  • 4
    He nearly killed his own mother, broke multiple bones and to him it’s just a small drop in the pond compared to his fucking soar throat. Anyone who thinks that way needs a concrete hotel
  • 4
    @Condor He needs psychological treatment. Don't try to understand it and don't let it influence you.

    @d-fanelli Yeah. But this is where it get's very tricky. Unless the victim (or witness) presses charges, it's very hard to get him convicted.
  • 2
    @p100sch well he’s pretty incompetent as a developer as well, based on the rant. But that’s not the worst of his issues
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM yes and hopefully he’ll be kept out of society for a while, in jail or psych. I wouldn’t trust someone like that to touch the codebase or data bc he could be capable of anything. We don’t want to read about a mass shooting in a belgium software company anytime soon
  • 8
    That's just what happens after too much JavaScript.
  • 3
    @Fast-Nop exactly! I feel less murderous towards the recruiters (on "full-stack" positions) now when I'm setting the path without JS and browser mess 😅
  • -1
    Hes most likely a troll whos in need of attention. More contraversy = more attention. Dont believe everything people say on the internet.
  • 1
    @zemaitis True but does it matter. I sure would not mind having wasted a few minutes of my life on a rant if it were to turn out to be false.
    But you do you.
  • 0
    @p100sch wowowow chill there captain superior. How exactly u would be solving the problem? By creating a rant in a dev social platform? Sending prayers?
  • 2
    @zemaitis A troll would not send pictures of his antidepressants (which he did) and make a horrible but nonetheless sensible story over the course of several days. I've got more intimate experience with both than I'd like to admit. And honestly, whether it is true or not doesn't really matter. None of us can affect it anyway. I posted this merely as something to be aware of.
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