
Those clients....

  • 4
    Oh! Man! Thank god his laptop battery was working else he probably use normal battery or car battery to charge 😫😫
  • 11
    at first i thought it was a gun
    it's 11:49 pm, i should go to sleep.
  • 3
    Four years ago, this probably would have surprised me. Still pretty unreal.
  • 1
    I've always wanted to try this. Never had a spare USB to do it with.

    @Nayan would be nice to jump start your laptop every now and then.
  • 1
    @TheGeekyGuy hey! I'm hoping it blows up! Imma try it 👀😂
  • 1
    @TheGeekyGuy I guess you're right. Nothing happened :(
  • 2
    I guess its charging up more free space:-)
  • 3
    @nosoup4u Oh no, we look the same. There goes my uniqueness
  • 2
    I'm actually pretty curious what would happen if you try something like this. Anyone know? Or brace enough to be the one to test it out and likely lose their flash drive and/or charger?
  • 2
    @uziiuzair tried it. Nothing happen.
  • 1
    @Nayan I'm not sure if I should trust/believe you... :/
  • 3
    @Koolstr Nothing is going to happen. USB always supplies 5V (on dedicated VCC and GND rails), the stick doesn't care if the supplier is your PC or a phone charger. And since the charger doesn't have anything connected to the data lines (except for a resistor that tells your phone it's a charger and it's fine to draw more than the 500mA set as max current in the USB specification), it won't affect data either.
  • 2
    @nyjan Cool good to know thanks :D
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