
I've been having a tough time at work recently. I've been struggling with what I have become and what I want to do.

My voice used to carry quite a bit of weight, but as of late I'm no longer being kept in the loop of changes that are happening to my product.

Realizing that I'm slowing being phased out was like a punch to the scrotum. It has made me depressingly aware of the time I have wasted on this company.

All while I was wallowing in my own self-pity, as if on command, Youtube spit this gem out to me. It made me realize that I'm still that bright eyed eager developer just a bit older and a bit wiser. It reminded me of something that I thought I lost, but what I've always had.


What we do is an art, it takes years of dedication and study to hone our skills. Don't let the bastards get you down, and just like Bowie said -- Never play to the gallery.

You got this.

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