
Today’s frontend bitches appropriating functional programming like “ancient programming secrets” is exactly like eighties con artist bitches appropriating yoga and ayurveda like “ancient well-being secrets”

Just plain wrong and laughable

Go learn cs

  • 5
    I'm just happy they finally learned about functional.
  • 11
    We made fun of front enders for "not being programmers" for so many years they said fuckit and decided to write the entire fucking planet in JS...

    Even worse? It's caught on.
  • 5
    I see nothing wrong with that though. FP *is* pretty arcane outside academia.
  • 0

    Who wants le-monad-e? No? Nobody?
  • 2
  • 6
    @HiFiWiFiSciFi @homo-lorens @RememberMe I also never said it was wrong for any programmer to learn functional. The only thing I don’t like is treating and presenting functional like it’s something ancient and magical and like it instantly makes you a better person
  • 0
    @kiki yep. It's like these cringe tube ro$lox video makers for children that don't know how to use human language properly over again.
  • 0
    @vintprox sometimes I feel like you’re almost the only one who understands me on this platform
  • 2
    @kiki Pretending it's the holy grail of programming motivates people to learn about it. It sucks but we have got to convince frontend "developers" to learn cs somehow.
  • 1
    @homo-lorens Off-topic, don't get any more ++'s, it's perfect rn.
  • 0
    their face when they learn what haskell is
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