
Is there some tool for wireframing webpages? I want to basically sketch some ideas for different pages.. Different sections on each page.

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    There was a site that would let you graphically design CSS grids, sounds good to let your imagination flow with layouts, even if in the end you are not gonna use the grid.
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    Lucidcharts, drawio

    Wireframing websites is a very common use-case
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    @c3r38r170 remember it?
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    Figma is good for this too imo
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    @Hazarth I'm on phone and send i can only view? Do I need to use it from a computer?
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    @donuts huh, I actually never used it from a phone for anything other than previews.

    For best experience you should use Google Chrome and a computer I guess. I had some glitches happen with Firefox before
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    Sketch, Balsamiq, Mocqup, Wireframe.cc, Diagrams.net, Miro

    You could also use Figma for this, but it's more suited for UI prototypes.
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    @asgs I am almost certain it was this one. (I am on phone and saw it on PC)
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