
I worked(as intern) 6 months on a startup and helped them sell a cool e-commerce chatbot, then I again worked(as intern) 4 months on another startup and helped them sell nice AR app. And again another recruiter comes in my chatbox and asks me whether I am available for internship. I am also doing another internship from 1 months. What the hell is wrong with my career?

  • 9
    Let us know when you are an Interning CEO.
  • 1
    @Cyanide absolutely.
  • 3
    Say no and increase your reputation by doing no more intern jobs. The more you do, the more it gives a wrong impression (IMO). Interns are usually cheap, so if you can, don't sell yourself like this 🙂
  • 1
    Yeah you should really ask for a better job
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