Does anyone else sometimes feel like quitting, selling everything, move to a small town in e.g. Texas, become a brick layer or carpenter and just start from scratch and build a honest working class day-to-day life? Or is it just me?...

In tech I always focus on what’s gonna happen next year, where will I be in 5 years etc.
I feel like by pursuing a good life I’m missing out on life 😅

Would be nice to do some honest, physical work and leave tomorrow behind for a while..

  • 5
    Yes, yes and yes again.
  • 4
    All the time. I’m considering going to live on top of a mountain with some Shaolin monks
  • 8
    Never, I have been a tech head since about 5 or 6 years old and have never ever reconsidered.

    I still love it and will probably keep going as long as I can :)
  • 0
    Yeah, I hear ya - the tech is great and interesting, but the day to day can be a real nightmare. I wish there was a way to enjoy all the fun of a tech career without the late nights, weekends, early mornings, insane deadlines, etc.
  • 1
    Having kids filled the wanderlust almost entirely, for me.
  • 1
    I knew someone who gave it all up to become a cottage industry cheese maker
  • 3
    Until relatively recently I would want to go to a different company where things aren't so crazy, but wouldn't want to leave tech.
    Recently though, I am dreaming of the day I can quit and go do something completely non-related to computers AND doesn't involve humans in any way for the most part.
  • 1
    Yep, as sometimes its really dull to grind code all day long. The physical aspect of work is really missing. Also the industry requires so much mental power. While regular work can mostly be done via DMA.
  • 0
    @nibor do you know if it made him happier?
  • 4
    Why Texas tho? Sounds like one the last places to move to...

    But yeah, no. Moving to somewhere remote and peaceful? Yes. Quitting tech and go for ”real work”? Hell to the nope. I can’t do shit when it comes to anything resembling physical work, and since I hate everyone, working with people is out of the question, too.

    I appreciate the fact that unless I concsiously decide to do so, I don’t have to look beyond the current project at work, and I have absolutely no stress whether my family has food to eat and a roof over their head for the next decade or so. And tbh, besides dev work there’s hardly this kind of job security anywhere around there.
  • 0
    @100110111 is rather not explain why I’d like to live in Texas here, some people would probably read stuff into it 😅
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