
I went on vacation, and when I came back, they had removed all of the keys from my keyboard and put them in a bag, and placed the bag and my mouse and some other items in my overhead bin, and then they closed it and locked it, and my desk, and stuffed the keys up in the overhead bin, and this innocent little guy was hanging by a noose from the ceiling over my desk.

  • 6
    Am I the only one thinking "what the fuck is an overhead bin?!"
  • 4
    @drRoss yeah I'm picturing him working in an airplane.
  • 2
    I work for an airline, and I worked in a cubicle that had, well, an overhead bin. @drross @ryanmhoffman
  • 4
    Nailed it.
  • 3
    @ryanmhoffman and not just any airline, but #13 on Forbes 500 best places to work. Love my job, in spite of the bear lynching. lol
  • 1
    Hanging by a noose?!? You might be working with complete psychos you know...
  • 2
    "Despite the lynching"
  • 4
    That last part reminded me of when the hardware R&D department at my work (I'm in software) kidnapped our Minion stuffed toy mascot thing and help it hostage.

    They tied it up with masking tape, put it on a desk surrounded by other stuffed animals, then emailed us a photo with ransom demands.
  • 0
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