Marketing department sometimes are so Fucking annoying in the context of they " just found out certain technology" and try to enforce us to implement.

For example recently this guys just found out firebase(Firestore thingy ) and keep asking us to implement into the app (E wallet app) which our software architect refuse to use firebase( I agree with him) because in the long run , the project will definitely get surprising prices in the invoice.

Also, our DBA had started to implement Apache Cassandra .....

So dear marketing department, why don't you guys shut up and let us do our job and let our software architect do his job? Fuck off!

  • 1
    What kind of surprising invoices would you expect?
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    @wackOverflow firebase is expensive......if you use for a long run....
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme uh, no? My company has been using it for almost a year and I’ve yet to see a bill more than 3 measly digits in length. Any crazy overcharge would be the result of bad code, not firebase itself.
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    I will say though, if your architect doesn’t really know firebase and isn’t really comfortable adding it to your app than definitely don’t use it because you could code yourself into a hole and end of up overpaying.
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    @wackOverflow not just that ..... Our backend already have certain data in there , and also we are not just using Cassandra. Firebase is just not enough for my case.

    He just wanted to replace all I to firebase which is completely unnecessary.
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme Yeah, that kind of decision should come from your CTO, not your marketing manager. If it doesn’t make sense, save yourself the headache. Maybe make a PowerPoint for your marketing guy on why it wouldn’t work, they take things better in bite size pieces.
  • 0
    @wackOverflow why PowerPoint?
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    @wackOverflow my CTO somehow suggest us to listen to the decision made by our Software Architect... But the marketing team constantly call us to change which kind of weird. Our team didn't receive any order.
  • 2
    Have you tried blocktsjain?

    Pls add blocktsjain
  • 1
    @alexbrooklyn honestly not yet heard of this... Googling now...
  • 1
    @alexbrooklyn sounds like Blockchain....
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    @johnmelodyme sorry I was misspelling it intentionally to immitate a marketing dummy not know what they're talking about
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  • 3
    Non developers who think they know more than real developers. They should do what they were hired to do...marketing!
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