
pm: next week you have to talk in front of 20 interns

me: oh, sh*t I better get prepared. Googling "principles of OOP"

  • 0
    You don't ask what to talk about?

    I just blabber whatever comes to mind at that time
  • 3
    Don’t teach them OOP! There must be something more interesting than that.
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    Function Object Oriented Programming in C++
  • 5

    Tell them about reality.

    (I mean it).

    If not one of them leaves crying, you did it wrong.
  • 4
    Tell them the Parable of Silverlight. You invest years of your time only to find it was pointless.
  • 4
    Build it entirely on Dr. Cox dialogue from Scrubs.

    I'd be a few minutes late (3-5) so everyone is already waiting for me.

    When you enter the room, without any introduction you are like,...

    Software Engineering is ... A dead end.
    Thanks to a flood of CS students and cheap foreign labor, you got absolutely no chance getting into any kind of worthwhile position in this once fabled field of work.
    The only exception is the following.
    If you are trained by a renowned company, than you stand an actual chance.
    However, you are all fucked, cause calling this company a shithole would be a compliment by all means.
    Also I'm the only mentor hear with any kind of skill and already hate every single one of you.
  • 1
    Don't give them a lecture on principles, tell them about cool stuff you're doing! There's nothing more off-putting to an intern than when you just feel like you're getting a rehash of your course in a slightly worse format in industry. If you spend 20 minutes talking about really cool and interesting problems you've solved however, that's a definite plus.
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    Bloody hell they got they in Java class. There has to be something better than "OOP's I did it again" for them.
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