If programming was as attractive as playing Guitar, we'd all swim in Girlfriends ...

  • 2
    Its all about the earning potential
  • 5
    I play guitar and write code. One up one down then? 🤔
  • 2
    Be patient my friend, the tide is turning in our favour, gradually.
  • 0
    Gradually? I skateboard, drive a motorcycle, and play a guitar... when I was dating they only loved the fact that I'm a developer. It's nerdy and if you play your cards right... $$$$$
  • 0
    I play bass and code... No good with the ladies.

    (I'm married though, that probably doesn't help either.)
  • 0
    @fyroc How do you promote the pros of being a dev to women? When I try to I always sound like a geek who dislikes social interactions (which I don't).
  • 0
    I usually go for the exciting instead of the technical. But i guess it depends on your audience. My audience tends to wanna know, but I always ask before I did in too deep. "do you want to hear the finer details or no"
  • 1
    @simeg do not talk about the technical side of things.... most of the time it'll just make them feel dumb and you look nerdy. Your best bet is to talk about the traveling, teamwork, how rewarding the job is, and most importantly the amount of money you can make.
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