
Hey guys, so i have a dilemma. I am an aspiring front end developer who has learnt html, css and i have solid vanilla experience with various random projects. Now i wanna learn a framework/library
thoroughly and i cant decide between React or Vue. I tried out both and i don't have a preference.. There are still more React jobs in my country but Vue is becoming more and more popular.. What do i do now

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    Do react because it’s more “different” than vue. It’s easier to switch to vue with the existing concepts of react than the other way around, due to JSX.

    (but personally I would recommend an real enterprise framework like angular, or looking to web-components like svelte or stencil)
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    @petergriffin Thanks a lot for the quick reply! Svelte sounds really good but there are nearly no job offers related to it in here and i would like to land my first junior position asap
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    I started with React then had to switch over to Angular for work. I feel like the switch would have been easier the other way around as the learning curve seemed harder with Angular (at least for me). I’ve dabbled around with Vue a tiny bit. Seemed quite easy after having spend quite some time working with Angular.

    I’d say go for Angular first if you’re not too much in a hurry.
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    Back end guy, just picked React with TypeScript for a personal project.
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    @curiousjoe @kecerud Yes React WITH Typescript is a good way to go. I had learned TS with React before going to Angular and it definitely helped
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    @black-kite exactly. Angular can be a bitch, but it teaches a lot of important basic concepts and how good architecture can be done.

    And not with weird spaghetti routing with packages of dubious quality.
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    All others are not even a competition.
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    @NoToJavaScript ewgh, don’t get me started where it’s slacking.

    It’s cool, but it ain’t the solution to it all bruh.
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