
I don't care how bad your testing suite is, it can't possibly be worse than this

  • 12
    At least he tested it manually, some people commit without doing even that 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 7
    @neeno I often don’t even check my code in a browser. I write several thousand lines of specs, and when they all pass I’m happy with it and let QA and product handle the rest.

    It’s been ... six projects of various sizes now and I’ve only had a few minor issues. Most of the pushback has been from product miscommunicating requirements. 😇
  • 1
    I'm happy for that Dev. At least tried to convince that not testing anything is worse than some testing
  • 0
    @Root several lines of spec, ok how can a mortal like myself produce that many lines of spec for one application?
  • 1

    Well... it normally takes a few years but you eventually get 7 digits in the git changes, or you just import a monster then maintain it.

    For example, this is just 1 of many projects I maintain.
  • 0
    Who needs tests, they don't prove anything, I'd rather no tests then assert(1 = 1) 🙃. I used to work with a dev that did that, pissed me off like nothing.
  • 2
    @TeachMeCode one application 😅
    This is for one feature. Large feature, but still just a feature.

    @C0D4 Importing a monster is totally cheating. That goes in your dependency list. Fork if you must, but keep the code separate if possible.

    As for specs... how do they not prove anything? Stupid specs are stupid, I agree. So don’t write those (except as sanity checks). Write proper functionality and integration specs instead. Helps with future refractors or when changing seemingly unrelated code. Also helps juniors know when they’ve seriously broken things.
  • 1
    @Root you can't fork what's not in git 🥲
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