So you wanna be a software engineer at Google? Go to FuckYourself.io.

  • 6
    Atleast http://gofuckyourself.xyz takes you somewhere.
  • 3
    @C0D4 too bad it's a 404
  • 0
    It's nothing there ffs
  • 1
    Pick a question....
  • 0
    20 years ago that's exactly what I wanted. Funny how times change, now I wouldn't even bother looking there.
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce is there a specific reason for that?
  • 0
    @C0D4 nginx....
  • 1
    Why I can hear the voices in my head , she is in our head ....
  • 2
    @AlmondSauce From what I hear you have to use bastardised, specific tools for development, code review is ridiculous, there's a good chance what you're working on will be scrapped before it's released, the interview process is asinine, and it's difficult to enact meaningful change or get good ideas pushed up the chain. I genuinely think this is pushing them down and out - I can't think of a single, meaningful, widely used product they've released in the last 5 years are so. Gone are the days when they were routinely pushing out cool stuff like Android, earth, Street view, wave, code, etc.

    Ironically those sorts of things used to apply to other companies, and Google attracted the best talent by being different. These days it's flipped though - I can get a good, well paid job where I can use the tools I want, enact the change I want, wear my own clothes, work on genuinely cool stuff etc. much more easily elsewhere.
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    @techno848 Sorry, no idea how I tagged me rather than you above.
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    @AlmondSauce figured, also understood your frustrations with those companies. When i was starting out my career i fantasized working there. Even recently one of our architects got into facebook and wanted me study for a year and apply there because well the package is something else.

    Idk if i am too comfortable or not but i have a lot of freedom, my work is not too demanding and my team is pretty friendly even after 2 years of working with them. Idk if its a good idea to leave all that just for a higher package.
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    @techno848 I would say not worth it. But opinions differ of course.
  • 0
    Google did inspired me to take programming lesson and become software engineer. And I was a software engineer in small software house. Now I am just a regular IT engineer and wanted to be a software engineer again(for myself)
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