
Tell a beginner programmer where to start

  • 2
    Learn techniques, pick a tool, start writing,

    Plenty of resources for techniques, books are recommended, pick any tool, doesn't matter as long as it's static typed, write anything.
  • 0
    Learn something easy to get going with. I always suggest JavaScript for beginners because you can expirement different things with it. For example, you can add HTML and CSS and get into web development. Practice everyday. Imitate and build everything you can get your hands on. Have patience.
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    Hell. That's we're we all hail from
  • 2
    Googling skill ...
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    What kind of software do you want to make? Research which language is best for that. Do one or two introductory udemy courses. After each section ot chapter or whatever, try to build something on your own with what you learned. Doesn't have to be big. Doesn't even have to be useful. Just practice the concepts.

    Once you sorta know what's what in the language, try to build something a bit bigger, a little bit beyond your current knowledge. That is a very good way to learn as you should be eager to solve the problems you encounter
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    You probably need to get your hands on a computer.
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    Don't just copy and paste from google, understand the real purpose. So u can recreate your own piece of code like a geek.
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