Tweets like this...
And I'm saying this as a full-stack SWE!

  • 4
    CSS + SCSS + Tailwind...this is known as shitty knowledge
  • 10
    brb putting “Https” on my resume lol
    lets face it nowadays that basically translates to “I can click a few buttons to generate an SSL cert”
  • 4
    Also “NodeJS or any other”
    Any other what exactly?
    JS framework? Server side app framework? what? Also piss off with your NodeJS its bad enough that I have to deal with JavaScript in the browser Im not about to put it on my server where I have a plethora of better language options.
  • 0
    @LLAMS You can reuse marshal functions if the server is Node.
  • 2
    @LLAMS My and most people in the Twitter thread assumed it was for Go/PHP/etc, but yeah, that could also be SSR tools like Next.js/Nuxt.js/...
  • 3
    Those skills can get you a job, but you need much more to survive
  • 1
    Does https just mean I know how https my website or also I know how to use http requests
  • 3
    I approve these requirements. Sick of developers that don't have any interest in the field and just stay in their lane.

    "Oh, I do React and CSS, don't know SQL queris. Backend team takes care of that".

    "Oh, I do Python, don't know how to actually deploy my code. DevOps take care of that".

    Low-performance individuals.
  • 3
    I know everyone hates it but you always get stuck on it: CORS. Very needed πŸ˜‚
  • 2
    @Nihil75 it's called specialization. Of course, having a basic knowledge of how stuff comes together is a must, but actually knowing how to write optimized queries or set up a CI/CD pipeline is very overkill if your only job is to make webpages. Like if you're a frontend dev why the fuck do you have to know kubernetes? Answer: you don't.
  • 3
    @neeno The job poster and I don't expect anyone to specialize in everything, but to have some understanding of a broad spectrum of topics related to their trade.

    Yes, a frontend developer may not know how to configure Kubernetes ingress networking, but he should know how to pack his code into a container to run atop it!
  • 0
    @bashleigh I don't get the craze about CORS. It's all of 4 headers, some basic logic around what to send on the level of setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin to the request origin, and a middleware to short-circuit HEAD requests. Any REST framework or library that takes itself seriously has all you need to implement it, and usually there is a 3-rd party package for it.
  • 2

    This shows already how brain damaged the author must be.

    We have
    Http 1.0 with or without TLS
    Http 1.1 with or without TLS
    Http 2, TLS required (browser gentleman agreement, at least TLS 1.2)
    Http 2 without TLS (h2c)
    Http 3 with Quick over UDP, TLS 1.3 required

    Wheres your HTTPs... Moron?
  • 2
    Fullstack DevOps for a little salary XD
  • 2
    @homo-lorens I know but imagine you’re using postman to build your api as someone starting out. You’re finally happy with it. You switch to the browser and all of a sudden, nothing works. Instant rage and before you know it 3 hours have gone by and it turns out you need to implement this header acceptance shit and you have no idea who, what or why πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ so many juniors have asked me about it bless them. I’m scared what’ll happen when my girlfriend gets there one day.... the house will be on fire likely
  • 0
    @Tonnoman0909 No idea, probably the most basic stuff or the ins-n-outs.
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