Working on an assignment for uni, object oriented programming with Java.

Just spent 40 minutes banging my head against the table because I’m a fucking idiot

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    Hah, what did you do?
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    This is on inheritance, at the moment I am completing some classes and methods etc.

    I just forgot something really really basic that we covered on day 1.
  • 2
    Ah, we all forget where the power button is sometimes, don't sweat it.
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    Yeah, it’s just frustrating. But it’s been a busy day trying to fix about 10 different things in the legacy .Net application I inherited at work and running around after the baby.
  • 1
    @zarathustra you need pointers, hmu!
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    @zarathustra too many topics fry the brain.

    *Experience I gathered by sometimes working on dozens of projects at the same time*
  • 1
    An idiot for learning Java? It's not your fault. many universities force it on students.

    Just make sure you pick up a different lang as soon as possible so you don't end up a scrum-cog in some corporation / consultancy.
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