I want to make a monetizable app but I can never think of anything

  • 7
    99% of all apps that are downloaded get deleted from the phone the same day.

    An app is a means to an end. And that end is bringing value to your costumers continuously. In other words a you're providing a service and an app is only a small part/touchpoint of that.

    With your perspective as a programmer and 🤑 get rich fast with low effort mentality as your motivation it is unlikely that you'll be successful.

    Start thinking like a non dev for finding problems worth solving. And talk to designers about the philosophy of what good design is and what makes good design. And marketing people on how to sell benefits of your product or service.

    Read about service design.
    Service design - Wikipedia

    And a beginners book about service design.
    This is Service Design Doing

    good youtube chanel about service design.

    Best of luck. 😊
  • 2
    @heyheni thanks, appreciate the in depth response
  • 3
    Placed an app a few years ago on playstore, just to learn how to (a simple QR code scanner)
    Made me 1€ a month (for 1 hour coding)
    Got removed when I had 59€...
    Got my burn out right after so never posted any more apps, so now my money is stuck till I make 1€. Sucks :p
  • 3
    All software companies (that I know personally) that make/made profit of an app went like this:

    - didn't thought about making an app that monetize
    - created something just for fun or because of experiment or because they needed it anyway
    - it got popular so they started to think how to monetize it

    So, just do an app you need or you expect someone else would need. Make a working prototype or MVP. Release.

    If it get traction, only then think about monetisation.
  • 6
    If you have a hobby or job, you could ask yourself:
    Is there any potential app that could make my life easier.

    You are into collecting wild herbs and mushrooms, but there is no app for identifying herbs or mushrooms by smartphone (i don't actually know whether such an app exist), so you currently have to carry bulky books around or scroll though image galleries for identifying the stuff you find.
    So you train an artificial neural network per thing to identify (starting what you want to collect first) and bundle the trained models into an app. As you also are using the app in practice, you keep improving it and so it becomes the reference for other people having the same hobby...
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