Describing a friend's project to a friend:
"And then theirs a tinder like element, for filtering potential dates, but that's not implemented yet."
"Why doesn't he just copy tinder?"
"Er... wat?"
"You know, just copy their code and put it in his app."
"You don't... you can't... I mean you can decompile... but that's not useful because... it just doesn't work that way. For a million reasons. I don't know where to begin."

  • 5
    Apparently I'm so shocked, I used the wrong "there's" for the first time in ages. Seppuku time.
  • 2
    One of the many reasons being that his project is a mobile optimized, mostly JS website, rather than a native app. I started trying to explain that and then quickly realized the futility of that explanation.
  • 0
    Show him a decompiled code with a straight face would be my kind of answer. No need to explain everything when i can just show it ;).
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