
Design patterns are not a catalogue for programmers problems.

The amount of brainless coders that just slap around these patterns because they were taught that it will magically solve everything is amazing.

  • 5
    If you know how to code most design patterns are common sense.
  • 2
    @deadlyRants Yeah I agree. They sould not be a step one towards solving a problem.
  • 2
    The issue lies with people that use a design pattern to design things, instead of recognizing there are certain patterns to design you can use.
  • 0
    Bro, exactly. So may brainless folks... You know, IMO to become a proper software engineer one need brain capacity similar to become a jet pilot... Except to become jet pilot you need hell lot of exams etc. while to become a "programmer" all you need is to copy paste some code and fake a CV.
  • 2
    A programmer had a problem. They attempted a solution in Java

    Now they have a ProblemFactory
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