We recently pulled in a developer onto the devops team, and also our manager was fired a month ago. Everything devops is Python/Go but all our developers are in Clojure or Node. He's recently been writing a lot of stuff on Clojure and I didn't get an opportunity to bring it up at the last retro.

Recently he changed all our old Go projects to use a CI-pipeline he built, even though I wrote a build tool, with tests, that does everything his pipeline does, in Python .. over two years ago. When I asked him why he doesn't just use our existing builder, he responds saying he doesn't know why he should use some tool/script just because it exists ... um, everything we've built uses it?! 😡

Our last manager was a dick and I understand why they let him go, but he also would put this guy in his place. He's literally made is own little "devops roadmap" for himself and shared it out with the team. It's all about his personal goals and what he wants.

  • 1
    His personals goals will help professionally the company? If yes, just let him do the job, but if him just mess up don't wast you nerves and once him do something that will harm your job report him OR you can do what I do in this kind of situation:

    – If him breaks up, he'll fix it.
    – If him wants to change something, he'll be in charge to develop it not the others.
    – If him bother with something "wrong" will just complain if the same came with a solution.

    If anything above is not satisfied, just report him and continue doing your job.
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