Spent 20h working non stop on a project we were presenting to customer on the next day. Had a shower at 6 am and drove to the client with a colleague. We were presenting the features one by one. As he was presenting I was finishing the missing features and we switched every couple of minutes. Never again working for a company that sets deadlines on the first meeting with customer

  • 1
    it sucks when you learn the hard way, but at least you won't say "how bad can it be" next time it's about to happen. you'll be like "NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE"
  • 2
    Holy crap the person who made this decision begged Murphy's law to kick them in the groin repeatedly with steel cap boots.

    You never do this when having to present to customers because even if the customer is impressed for some unholy reason, you now have to deliver a real product instead of a prototype.
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