
Am I the only one hating the idea of flexible desk policy?

  • 12
    I know one very large company that introduced flexdesk when they ran out of office space and couldn't be bothered to expand it...

    Employees were joking that at some point they'll have to run circles around the tables as long the music plays and then fight for a workplace when it stops.
  • 2
    Care to explain what that is?
  • 5
    I had to take all of my stuff home everyday, in the idea that the next day I could have worked from home or from another desk.
  • 1
    I don't mind if I'm working from home at 4 to 5 out of 5 days.
  • 3
    I don't mind, but damn I wish the other guy would leave the seat at the right height.
  • 3
    A place I worked implented this for all staff except top brass and the developers. So we sat smug at our desks watching the Ryan Air style scramble for desks by the plebs every morning. 🍿
  • 2
    I just want my desk clean , only system and water bottle and phone
  • 1
    Just stop setting the seat to the wrong height :P
  • 0
    I don't work in an office, how does flexdesk relate to multi monitor setups?
  • 0
    When you said "flexible desk" I imagined a desk made out of a trampoline. Then I found this:

  • 1
    @Demolishun Ultimate flexdesk: All desks are on wheels and if you want to ask someone for help you can just pull up to them with your full workstation.
  • 0
    Nope, and my condition will make coping with this even harder.
  • 2
    I take your projects as seriously as you take my ergonomics. Do with that imformation what you will.
  • 0
    No. If i'm forced to go to office i want my space with my setup. Sure I clean my desk but nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody else dare to sit on my throne!
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