Laravel payment gateway
Ep 2 (part 1)

ps: all chats are dummy of the original of conversation and a little bit exaggerated but they are close to the original facts

  • 8
    just.. wow.
  • 21
    Oh man, I HATE when some non-tech guy says how easy a task is. Well, if its that easy why don't you just stop whining and do the fucking task? Don't make assumptions on topics that you don't know shit about.

    - can you add another room to our office?
    + yes I can. I need 4 months to do it.
    - no just add the room. Its that simple

    Fuck you.
  • 5
    exact thoughts after seeing the structure

    In next part you'll meet the client's dev
  • 2
    If it's that simple, then maybe he should do it himself.
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