
Hey guys,
Based on some recent posts about automating repetitive tasks, I was wondering, what are some tasks that you have automated?

In my case, I guess it's not really automating, but I made my work simpler by creating a bunch of bash alias that take care of frequently occurring bugs or small tasks like fetching all git repos in a directory.

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    My big one, on my last team I wrote a Python app that downloads all our server logs from every machine and parses/normalizes it, then inserts it into MongoDB.

    It then generates a report with the data so I can see useful stats and if anyone is spamming/misusing the service.

    It does all this while I go out for lunch.
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    Created a script ages ago which emailed me the ssh server logs every half hour so that I didn't have to login everytime to see the amount of attacks (approximate) the server was mitigating
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    All my deployment line with jenkins
    And de dev env deployment with gulp : get the good docker composer from our private github, the good project assets and up everything so you dont have to do it by hand
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    Automate myself in designing and writing code. Apply for remote position. Get paid to be on the beach while my automaton does the work.
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    Serious reply, this time.

    Unit/integration tests. Nothing kills morale like having to fix the same bug twice.

    Made scripts to clone environments and tenant specific data.

    Scripts to set up dev environments and seed data.

    Data/schema migration scripts.

    Push/deploy release scripts.
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    @stuqshwk I did not know that, thanks for the heads up, I will have to look into it :)

    @nickhh you found the way to infinite monies xD

    @mtverlee that sounds pretty nice, especially with the amount of procrastination I do on fb :p

    @allanx2000 we once used something similar for statistics

    Cool stuff :)
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    Made a backup script which checks if there are any changes in my websites. If there is, a backup is made from that particular website.
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    @Jifuna sounds cool, been thinking about setting up a trigger to do something similar for my personal website. Point being as soon as I push any changes to the repo (or periodically check for changes), I want it to pull the changes on the hosting server. SSH-ing into the server to manually pull for every small commit is tedious as hell :p
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    Wrote a script / system which I implement in every website we produce. Since we have "monthly backups" for clients, it would be too time consuming to do it by myself. This script packs all the files, download the database and all is zipped in one file above root on ftp. All by one click.
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