I think I have ranted about this before but holy fuck why are non-technical people obsessed underscores??

NO, you DON'T need to replace all the spaces in the name of your Excel file just because you're sending it to a programmer.

  • 12
    Honestly. I love it. Spaces suck when you're using a terminal.
  • 7

    I think the fact we're talking about an excel file worries me more.
  • 3
    Is this a thing? I mostly get people sending me files with all sorts of crap in the name. If it wasn’t for zsh autocompletion I’d never be able to reference the fucking things.
  • 0
    I'd appreciate it if they did though
  • 0
    And here I have people testing the limits of filenames.

    From cuneiform to cyrillic including and special characters they can jam in there.

    I once had a sales member send me a file with the cents sign in it somehow. The guy runs Windows, he should have never been able to do that!

    Hook me up with underscores all day bro, I'll take it over the emoji bullshit I'm dealing with now.
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