A few years back I was still using a CRT screen and I used to degauss it quite often as a result of having my speakers right next to it. Nowadays I use an LED screen but now I started getting this kind of "degaussing" effect where my vision shakes and waves and I get it quite randomly when looking at lights of different frequencies. (Like the Sun and my phone's screen) It only lasts like 2 seconds at most but I'm wondering if someone has the same problem as me and I would be quite interested to know if this has been caused by the CRT screen or something else.

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    Any light flashes or floaters?
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    @Jumpshot44 nope, nothing like that... My doctor sent me to EEG to see if it has something to do with my brain but the results were perfectly clear so I am really confused why I keep getting this
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    @praveenkumaryo good to know
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