
Holy buttfuckers!!!

Spare me the bullshit about western countries ending up in a slavery due to capitalistic society. A lot of my friends from third world countries would like to trade places with you.

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    Amen! They are just whiny bitches.

    “I had to work 41 bour this week: SLAVERY!” Or

    Sent from my iPhone while driving in my Mercedes.
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    "Eat the rich" and "Capitalism is bad"

    - Tweeted from a $1200 phone
    - Drinking a $7 coffee
    - Wearing a $300 outfit
    - Driving a $60k car
    - Living in a $5k/Mo apartment

    Like shut the fuck Becky. Nobody asked for your hypocritical bullshit
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    *meanwhile in Norway*
    Ah fuck a bug splashed on the windshield of my helicopter.
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    Americans are on average so entitled they hate America more than anyone else.
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    @iiii whatever you entitled american. ;)
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    @jassole as if I was American in the first place
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    I don't think this sort of post is allowed here, devrant has a "no politics" rule.
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    Don’t complain about eating 1 year old bread, people would trade places as they have to eat 2 years old bread.

    The point is not who has to eat the mouldiest bread, the point is that there are people forcing you to eat mouldy bread while calling you a crybaby as they eat fresh bread and use it to make fire rather than giving it to you!

    Nobody needs a billion dollars. You know what you can do with a billion dollar? Buy a fucking car a day for the rest of your life! And while you do, other people are wondering why they don’t just off theirselves to the perspective of living by the month with no pension plan and working 60+ hours a week, reducing their life to misery.
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    @piratefox not sure what what you are trying to even talk about? It is incoherent all over the place. Don't like your company you are working? Change switch. Nobody is holding you to a gunpoint to work like a slave. Simple, you have a choice.
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    @aviophile :D :D :D :D hahahahaha
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    @jassole yeah sure “incoherent” :)

    Let me dumb it down:
    Saying something is good cause there are worse versions of it is a stupid reasoning.

    (And relative to the last paragraph):
    Capitalism is designed to make all the shit we are living: from jobs which don’t pay you enough to live, to people so rich they can buy more than a car every day for the rest of their lives while people die of hunger right down their road :)
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    @piratefox What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
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    @jassole sure buddy, just know that insulting while giving no explanation tells much more about you than about me ❤️
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    @piratefox yep you are one of those bitching and whining while using a product of capitalism. Or did you get that for free?
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    @piratefox imagine thinking USA is slightly better than Myanmar or India...
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    @jassole Another bad argument… stunning! There is difference between wanting to change a system starting from the inside and suiciding to ideals :)

    Also going by your logic you could tell a slave: “yep, you are one of those bitching and whining while using the shelter of your master, or did you get that for free?”

    As I told you, what you write tells more about you than it does about the others ❤️
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    @aviophile I didn’t say slightly? The point of what I said is about the fact there are too rich people and that we should not have a fight about who is more poor cause there are resources for everyone, they are just made inaccessible by the system.

    Third world countries deserve a better lifestyle? Absolutely!
    First world countries need to get more humble? Yes! Throwing away a piece of fruit cause it has a bruise is plain stupid, but most people do it, just to give an example. (An extremely simple one, I know)

    People changing the phone every year, throwing away good stuff etc, where do you think it comes from? Marketing and companies being about it just to have more profit. Sure, there is individual responsibility, but the world is full of idiots or people who either don’t or don’t have time to care. Fix the issue with the system instead of hoping people magically change their ways.
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    @piratefox the moment you compare capitalism to slavery your argument is just void. "I am so jelly about rich people buying 100s of cars, I wish I had one. Oh here's what I will do, I will try to scream and self-victimize myself as a slave.". <3
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    Saying an argument is void without explaination is basically like saying: “nooo that is not valid” so uhm… yeah… gj with it I guess?

    Also sorry but my argument is not invalidated by your assumptions :)
    Quite the opposite is true for me regarding cars for example: I don’t own one and I hope I never will have to.
    Also I am not unhappy about my condition and am not trying to victimise myself, in fact I don’t talk about myself in the previous posts… I am in fact in a pretty safe economical situation and yes, my dear, I COULD buy a Tesla or other pointless vehicle.

    But please, go on trying to attribute words I didn’t say :)
    Just sorry if maybe I won’t keep responding, I have better things to do than listening to someone trying to attribute me words I didn’t say.
    Again: what you write tells more about you than about me.
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    *could buy a Tesla or any other vehicle if I gave a shit about owning a car

    Sorry, forgot to add the detail on why I don’t buy a car, may have looked like your stupid argument made me want to buy a car, lol
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    @piratefox good for you, you can afford. You know millions are starving, because you have some extra money, you could have donated them all. Or if you don't then jeez stop complaining.
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    Dissing capitalism is gonna be a big yikes from me
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    Ignore this fuck called @ostream. He is a whiny bitch from UK or Ireland.
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    @piratefox What you are describing is crony capitalism, ie the rich can pull favours from the government. I am against all kinds of favours from the government to either parties. Workers or Corporations.

    Let the CEO of a bad company go bankrupt if he mismanages his company. Let the market punish him if nobody likes his products. No taxpayer bailouts, nor government ones.

    I am advocating for a free market system where government has its hand out of economics and only judiciary and military to protect individual rights.
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    @jassole Jesus, you really are desperate for attention.
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    @piratefox nah just educating fools
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    @jassole if that’s what you repeat to yourself to sleep well at night, good for you :)
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    @piratefox thank you. Yeah just don't complain about capitalism while using products of capitalism ;)
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    @jassole after you stop using stuff coming from Asia since you complain and left Asia ;)

    Oof… sorry, forgot it means you basically have to leave this profession… damn… oh well, I guess I’ll go back to ignore the poor man unable to argument and who thinks he has the upper hand trying to force a discussion with a “no true scotman”…yikes!
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    Also: please now write that the market self regulates and/or that the state should be totally absent and make me laugh, funny man!
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    Have you ever been to Asia? Mr Armchair expert! You look at few cases of shout "Capitalism bad" from your capitalism-made gaming chair.

    If not those people would be working in farms. Those people aspired and came to work in factories. Yes, your jobs goes to those cheap labour and over-time lifts them out of poverty. On the side, they learn valuable skills that improves their overall standard of living.
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    The workers become independent, becomes CEOs and invent new ways to do things. Imagine Taiwan under socialism, it wouldn't have become the semiconductor hub it is today which is how you get to play your stupid video games, purchase new gadgets while whining and moaning about capitalism. Under trade barriers from your socialist government, there would be no demand, no incentives to innovate, computers wouldn't have been fast as today.

    Capitalism has literally lifted people working out in the farms to prosperity and free of oppression rule for the first time in Asia. Look at how much progress Asians has been between last 40 decades due to free market.

    I know better than you, since I have seen it first hand lol. You have no idea what communism, socialism is. You just keep dreaming the unattainable and delusional socialist heaven, which in reality does not happen. But you are so deluded in your own mind there is not much redeeming.

    And for the record, yes market does self-regulate.
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    @ostream If you're the standard that's considered normal, then fuck ya I'm retarded.

    Dumb cunt
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    @ostream will you stfu? Start your own rant and gtfo from here you dumb retarded fuckwit. Yeah we need a guillotine for your dumb whiny lazy ass.

    At least once your ass is cut off you would stop sitting on your ass and complain like the whiny bitch you are now.
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    Btw you don't represent anybody but yourself.

    Most immigrants are responsible adults than you are and know the cost of socialism/communist society. You are masking your own desires and masquerading as if you are speaking for the minority, lol.
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    @ostream do you have anything better to do besides making lousy points and then going straight to ad hominem attacks to get your point across?

    lol, sucking dicks? Ah now you are showing what your real intentions are :D. Ah poor child, crying about the free'st system he lives in, because his skills are probably outdated, and useless.

    For the tenth time? 😂 This guy completely flipflopped on his first pro-communism argument, and now blames immigrants for his outdated skills, while likely being employed by an immigrant.
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    @ostream lousy lousy ad hominem attack I can't be bothered reading, angry child.

    At this point, I'll have to pretend you don't exist, lol. You repeat the same boring points, without anything substantial and try to berate. I am not affected by it. In fact I feel sad for you. Yep you must have no value, thats why you complain, whine bitch and moan so much.
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    Man, how I don't miss arguing with people on here
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    Did we reach any conclusion?
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    @ostream just stfu, you dumb bimbo. Rant on your own thread. ^^^
    This idiot hijacked otherwise a good conversation. Got nothing better to do eh?
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    @theabbie I am personally at peace with capitalism and individualism xD
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    @jassole no, you are just an asshole changing subject every time his incoherency gets pointed out and which is so clever to take it personally and start talking about China like a madman without realising all has been done is take your sentence and flip it against you to prove how stupid it is.
    You are the guy who uses as hominem and cries when they are used against him.

    The reason people stop talking with you is not that you are clever… the reason is that for how funny you are to read in your inconsistencies, it’s a waste of time to speak with you. Just like with a monkey, if you get it.
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    @piratefox another incoherent butthurt socialist. State your grievances clearly by not being a keyboard warrior like the other guy. Maybe I can help unfuck your mind.
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    @jassole yes, great example on how you avoid addressing the errors in your reasoning and throw shit around.

    I don’t have grievances, you are just too dumb to argue with. Capisce?
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    @piratefox Ahh shut the fuck up, go back to your 9-5 dead-end job and get paid from your capitalist master.

    Nobody gives a shit about your incoherent poor ass. I had to stoop to your levels to make you understand but there is nothing worth redeeming. You too can get f'cked and start another rant and gtfo from here lol.
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    @ostream "When i meet people with that selfish mindset irl I automatically classify them in the "jerk" category."

    Nice segregation. Fascist North Korea is your destined home. Stop living in the free part of the world and complaining about it. Don't be a waste of space, go where you belong.

    Don't you get tired of producing 3x garbage response to one message? Do you have nothing better to do?
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