Why the fuck would you use xml to store data

Why the fuck would you use xmdsaasd to build your site

Mysql and php exist for a fucking reason

  • 6
    True, but some people would prefer cutting their hands off instead of using PHP.

    So, xmdsaasd here I come.

  • 4
    Sometimes it is easier, if the data will never be big.

    Stuff exists for a reason.
    You will not create a db just for 1 table and 100 rows of data tops.
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    I made a Java project, where the whole dictionary is XML. No regrets.
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    More performance and a lor easier when no complex queries are required...
  • 1
    Xml is useful for small amounts of data, especially if it has varying format.

    Like .net app.config.

    You can easily add your own config without having to build a custom parser.

    It is also good for information interchange even if json is growing there.

    But as all flexible tech it has been gravely misused for a lot of things its not suited for and thereby got a bad rep.

    Just like php often has a bad rep, not because it cannot do good software but because its so easy that people that never should have been let near a computer can build sites that looks or works bad.
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    Why all the hate to PHP??
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    @calmyourtities been there before... Ended up moving it to the DB --> I wrote a tool to manage it inside the application + SPs can use it. Much better for a growing project ;)
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    @nickpapoutsis i dont like php either, but the whole damn db (2k+ lines, i think thats enough to use sql) is stored in xml
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    @aviv PHP is a good lang if used correctly but due to its beginnings you could at least in earlier versions easily make it very insecure by bad config.

    Also, since it is so easy to use, a lot of inexperienced developers use it and create sites that are easy to hack.

    Look at wordpress and other cms with their plugins that has been plagued with security breaches.

    That tend to give bad rep.

    But in the other end you have massive sites like facebook and wikipedia that prove you can build massive and sites also.
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    So people hate PHP for the same region some people hate a religion, because a minority of people that uses it?

    Or is it some weird idea that the people that hate PHP thinks he is such a good programmer he need a much harder way to build something beautiful.

    I think that people who hate a certain language for being easy to use or something like that are really weird because PHP used in so many beautiful and popular services today and it keeps generating itself and creating much more secure and beautiful versions of itself to prevent this sort of things..

    This is just my opinion..
    I love PHP
  • 2
    @aviv well I have used both PHP and classic vbscript in ASP.

    But since switching to C# I don't see any reason to switch back.

    Php is better than vbscript in all ways possible but in my opinion not as good as C#.

    But I do not dislike php and still use it from time to time.

    And you are most likely right, those that hate php probably do it for irrelevant reasons ;)

    Almost any language has its place.

    Cobol and fortran are still very much in use despite both being older than most modern languages.
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