
Dear Depression Diary;

Didn't do jackshit today either.
Daydreamed about prince charming, but apparently my prince charming has been dealing with lots of trauma. Eh. It takes two to tango.

The "motivation letter" for uni has not been written yet, and I have serious doubts about writing it.

  • 1
    Do people actually look at motivation letters? All that mattered when I went to college was how I scored at the entrance exams.

    I was led to believe nothing short of a perfect score would be accepted, got a nice score (not perfect), was admitted and then shown the entrance bar was much... MUCH lower.
  • 2
    @nitnip It's for phd applications in different countries. The bars could literally not be higher.
  • 1
    @NoMad Oh. Just treat each of them as if they were the only option in the whole wide world for you.

    "Yes, when I think of studying %field%, the first name that comes to mind is %college%. %college's competence%, another name that has come up in my research would be a close second, but %college%'s culture and opportunities for growth are second to none!"

    ... Don't actually copy this.
  • 1
    So relatable.
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