
Yes. yes it is.

  • 18
    That's... that's an if(true)...
  • 8
    This would never ever go past anyone worth their job in a pr… I would even advocate for straight up firing any dev for this abomination. Just no. Fix this shit.
  • 3
    Not only ugly, also not working.
  • 1
    Interesting that he put a fix me there as if he can’t do it himself. Fucking tard
  • 1
    It's the honesty that matters 🤌
  • 2
    Not only shiity code that doesn't work, the dev can't spell ugliest either!
  • 2
    @nibor you mean “dev” lol 😁
  • 1
    Sigh everyone writes bad code at some point but seriously I don’t understand where these “devs” are coming from and how they got through the door. This is so beyond a beginner mistake, and yes everyone’s a beginner at some point but I’m a bit weirded out that he scored a position. He should spend time learning to code as quickly as he can before he’s found out, assuming he doesn’t work for the Care Bears
  • 2
    This is the kind of thing my classmates would do first semester in college.
  • 0
    There appear to be no tests for non-encoded data. At this point, I’d just simplify the code if all data is assumed to be encoded.
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